Breakfast is by far my favorite meal of the day. Brunch, to be technical. As Brittany S. Pearce of the once tolerable show Glee pointed out, you can have sweet or salty. If I can't think of anything to make for lunch or dinner, invariably I'll make an omelet, or pancakes or whatever. One breakfast trend I haven't dipped my toes into is that of the breakfast pizza. I see it all over Pinterest among the cats, kitty cats and kittens: bacon, eggs, cheese and a sprinkling of parsley on top of a pizza crust. Hard to argue with that. But that's kid shit. Bacon and eggs is old news. My version of breakfast pizza involved fresh avocado and lemon juice, bright spring flavors that give greasy pizza a makeover it never expected. Best part is, this is ridiculously easy. I expect the hardest part will be making the eggs. If I had a gas burner, I would have toasted the pita over the flame instead of in the toaster oven because I like a little charred taste but any way you want to do it is fine.
1 half avocado
1 whole wheat pita
2 eggs
Fresh ground pepper, to taste
Lemon juice, to taste
Garlic salt, to taste
1. Crack the eggs into a small frying pan, cook over medium heat until whites are solid but eggs are still slightly runny
2. While the eggs are cooking, toast the pita
3. Spread the avocado over the pita in a thick layer. Squeeze a quarter-segment of a lemon onto the avocado. Slide the eggs onto the avocado. Sprinkle with ground pepper and garlic salt to taste.
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